Gloria Karpinski's Center Circle

Gloria Karpinski's Center Circle

Filtering by Tag: power

Considerations on Power

1.    Power is in the present moment, here and now.

2.    Vision is concretized through persistent harnessing of power.

3.    True power does no harm to self, other people, other species.

4.    Managing power well is part of Spiritual craftsmanship.

5.    Money, position, fame, and talent are resources no identities.

6.    Spiritual power seeks to uplift others, not be put above them.

7.    Both body and psyche have to be strong to handle power.

8.    Power is in choosing to act, not react.

9.    Powerful world service begins with full responsibility for self.

10.  Spirit-infused power serves then detaches from results.

11.   Words are decrees. Bless and release; curse and bind.             

12.  The chalice emptied into the world is endlessly refilled..

by Gloria

From her book