Online Course
Spiritual Rites Of Passage
“Change challenges, relieves, frustrates, threatens, saddens or exhilarates us. Mainly it forces us to grow. It is the mechanism through which nature insures evolution and the way God calls us home.”
“The title states the intention of all of the courses. With demands on our time and energy growing by the moment, it is important for us to take time to discover and energize our inner resources. Otherwise the intensity of rapid change can pull us into patterns of simply coping and reacting. The mandate now is to synthesize knowledge, self awareness and craftsmanship into illuminated practicality that is centered in Spirit and maintains poise in our material world.”
The three classes in the course encourage understanding of the dynamics of changes, offering insights and tools for surviving, thriving and integrating life passages. Methods of releasing the past and affirming the future are offered. New meditations and exercises are presented that reinforce positive transitions and the reduction of stress.
With demands on our time and energy growing by the moment, it is important for us to take time to discover and energize our inner resources. Otherwise the intensity of rapid change can pull us into patterns of simply coping and reacting. The mandate now is to synthesize knowledge, self awareness and craftsmanship into illuminated practicality that is centered in Spirit and maintains poise in our material world.
Reasons You Might Want To Take This Course:
One fee. Register; create a password; download or return as many times as you would like whenever you would like.
You are experiencing change in your life.
You want supportive material to deal with challenges.
Time is a challenge. Download anytime in your timing.
Each class is recorded and visually on screen.
Professional musicians accompany each meditation.
You want an experienced guide that you trust, one whose experience in counseling is broad and deep.
If two people sign up through your referral you will receive as a gift the password for downloading a guided meditation, ”The River,” by Gloria, accompanied by flutist, Meredith McIntosh.
The entire course listed below has been posted and is ready to be taken any time.
1st Class: Purpose and Passion
In this class we look at our thought patterns through the perspective of understanding the dynamics of transition.
2nd Class: Shifts and Stages in Transitions
Conscious change rarely goes from zero to completion or from comfortable to more comfortable. Exhilarating or scary change moves energy. We’ll explore some tools for consciously embracing and staying balanced as life invites us to stretch to the next place on our path.
3rd Class: Managing the Mission in the Moment
We are both infinite in spirit and very finite in our humanness. During conscious transition, energy moves throughout our total self, clearing and cleansing as it goes. The purpose is integration, the anchoring of new insights into daily life. This class will offer supports for the synthesizing process.
Special Note:
Register for the class on my website.
Total cost $110.00.