Considerations on Revelation
1. Insight can arrive suddenly; integration takes time and effort.
2. Wisdom fuses pragmatic knowledge and intuitive knowing.
3. Truth, like flowing water, cannot be captured in a net.
4. The universe reveals itself through each of its living parts.
5. The heart can know a truth that the brain merely theorizes.
6. Angels, teachers, and guides empower; they don’t dictate.
7. Insight can be a sudden gift or the fruit of daily practice.
8. Pride in the known and fear of the unknown block revelation.
9. Messages are everywhere; pay attention and be grateful.
10. Be aware truth speaks universally; be aware of exclusive words.
11. Knowledge carefully builds; revelation suddenly reveals.
12. Snowflakes and sunsets are unique; so are revelations.
By Gloria Karpinski
From her book