Barefoot on Holy Ground: 12 Lessons in Spiritual Craftsmanship
Barefoot On Holy Ground: 12 Lessons in Spiritual Craftsmanship
Gloria will offer a talk on Thursday, November 7, at 7:15pm – 9:30pm
Barefoot on Holy Ground: An Introduction to Spiritual Craftsmanship
This program is open to the public for $10. (Information below.)
On Saturday, November 9, at 9:00am-5:30pm, Gloria will offer a workshop
Twelve Lessons in Spiritual Craftsmanship
$95 (Information below.)
The lecture and workshop are based on Gloria's book of the same name. As the Universe steps up the pace for lessons on Earth, our life patterns are speeding up. Projects, people and events come to us at a blurring rate. What to accept? What to reject? How do I support growth in my corner of the world with positive action, and at the same time accept that everything is as it should be. Once awake and committed, we become caretakers of the new vision for our Earth. In order to stay poised and balanced in the Way during the chaos, we need to be both still and skilled. That vision asks us to become PRACTICAL MYSTICS whose inspirations are from the heavens and whose feet are on the ground.
On Saturday, we will examine our own inner 12 disciples that are developed along the way, four that increase our “knowing the way,” four that facilitate our “becoming the way,” and four that ground us in “fulfilling the way.” We will explore these 12 in both their light and shadow potentials, as our strengths and challenges for the quest. Exercises and meditations are designed to provide tools for spiritual craftsmanship and to help participants become aware of their individual inner guidance and symbols.