Gloria Karpinski's Center Circle

Gloria Karpinski's Center Circle

to Nov 9

Barefoot on Holy Ground: 12 Lessons in Spiritual Craftsmanship

  • Unity of the Triangle (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Barefoot On Holy Ground: 12 Lessons in Spiritual Craftsmanship

Gloria will offer a talk on Thursday, November 7, at 7:15pm – 9:30pm
Barefoot on Holy Ground: An Introduction to Spiritual Craftsmanship
This program is open to the public for $10. (Information below.)

On Saturday, November 9, at 9:00am-5:30pm, Gloria will offer a workshop
Twelve Lessons in Spiritual Craftsmanship
$95  (Information below.)

The lecture and workshop are based on Gloria's book of the same name. As the Universe steps up the pace for lessons on Earth, our life patterns are speeding up. Projects, people and events come to us at a blurring rate. What to accept? What to reject? How do I support growth in my corner of the world with positive action, and at the same time accept that everything is as it should be. Once awake and committed, we become caretakers of the new vision for our Earth. In order to stay poised and balanced in the Way during the chaos, we need to be both still and skilled. That vision asks us to become PRACTICAL MYSTICS whose inspirations are from the heavens and whose feet are on the ground.

On Saturday, we will examine our own inner 12 disciples that are developed along the way, four that increase our “knowing the way,” four that facilitate our “becoming the way,” and four that ground us in “fulfilling the way.” We will explore these 12 in both their light and shadow potentials, as our strengths and challenges for the quest. Exercises and meditations are designed to provide tools for spiritual craftsmanship and to help participants become aware of their individual inner guidance and symbols.

Talk (Thursday, November 7)
Workshop (Saturday, November 9)

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to Oct 27

Sacred Service: An Intensive

  • St. Francis Springs Prayer Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The perceptional shift from self-identity to Self-Identity opens the door to freedom. And it brings a whole new set of challenges in the physical world.

As Self sculpts the personality for soul purposes, priorities shift and bring changes in the management of one’s life and resources for service to the world. Serving is not about professions or volunteerism or any other specific act. It is a way of standing in one’s own truth in the world, heart open, sleeves rolled up, saying “yes” to inner guidance, ready to fulfill soul assignments.

Who is in charge here? Who and what has power in my life? What shall I do with the talents I have — with money, time, sexual energy, education, position, experience — all my many resources? Who and what will have power in my life? Knowing that it is a given that all real power comes from Spirit, we will examine the very human questions of handling that power with clarity and poise as it expresses through us.

We will be sharping tools and techniques for dealing with the rapid changes on our planet, changes which are affecting ourselves and everyone we serve. Together we examine how to serve, survive and thrive. Our commitment is greatly enhanced by exploring in the community of others who share our dedication.

This intensive is a self-contained program within itself, and it is also an introduction to a new mentorship series program Gloria is planning in 2020.

FEE: $465 all inclusive: program, food, lodging double occupancy; $50 deposit due October 7 to hold registration; balance due October 24.

Registration: or 336-724-2027

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to Jun 23

Interface: Life Is Talking. Are We Listening?

  • St. Francis Springs Prayer Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We live in an interdimensional and interconnected dance of energy with all of life.  Decoding your messages starts with awareness that you are always drawing guidance from this dance.  

Messages are everywhere and everyday…in nature, in our dreams, in our bodies, our relationships, and the patterns we have created; arriving through a comment casually said by another, or perhaps in a book written in another era and stating the one perfect thing you needed to read.  

What is your environment saying to you? Are you paying attention? As a friend was told in Spirit: "Answers are everywhere; pick one.”  

Sometimes we imagine that only certain people receive messages. Not so. That mythology persists if we don’t pay attention - and respect - the messages that are presented to us every day of our lives.

When our unchallenged assumptions are intact and running through their familiar neurological pathways in the brain, we can find ourselves living in the middle of our answers and swimming like the proverbial fish in an ocean looking for water.

YOU are living in your answers. So am I. Everyday. And we are messengers. Everyday.

The intention of this gathering is to offer a supportive exploratory environment for discovering more of your natural ability to translate the messages you are receiving from life - from repetitive patterns and personal symbols to your relationships with other forms of life. Above all, the intention is to encourage listening to your unique soul and the program includes meditations,  exercises - indoors and out, dialogue and quiet time.

FEE: $465 all inclusive: program, food, lodging double occupancy (limited single rooms $60 more); Deposit of $50 due June 6 to hold registration; Remainder due June 20.

Registration: or 336-724-2027

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